Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker – AURORA3D SOFTWARE Easy 3D Title Animation Maker | Cool 3D Text Logo Creator | Interactive Presentation Software Thu, 10 Oct 2019 17:36:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker Review by Rocky Bytes Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:52:46 +0000 “Create beautiful logos and 3D text with the Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker for your Windows PC.” by Solomon Arnett

Until now, there hasn’t been a truly 3D text and logo creation focused application. Usually, when users would like to create professional logos or 3D text, they would be forced to utilize a program that is capable of handling that task, but also serves a bigger purpose and has other features that make 3D text and logo creation seem like they are just peas in a pod, features among a plethora of others. Not to say that there’s anything wrong with having an application that can serve multiple purposes, but with so many other design features and focuses, users end up with an application that only gives you the basic tools to design with. Sometimes what users really want is just an application that is focused on one task or a few related tasks. In this case, the tasks are the creation of 3D text and logos.

The Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker takes all of the flair and unnecessary features away and focuses in on crafting a great experience for designers looking for a more focused application. With it, you get all of the necessary tools that you will need to create beautiful and professional logos and 3D text that will both stand out and pop out at its viewers. From an extensive graphics library to a full 3D manipulator, you will have several tools to choose from to handle any of your logo design and text design needs.

One of the great things about Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker is how simple and easy it is to use and learn to use. It is so easy to use, in fact, that even those that are not all that technically savvy will be able to install this application and use it with relative ease. There are a few video demos that you can use to get started and get some ideas for your own designs. There are also several text, logo, and button templates included in the application if you do not want to start completely from scratch. Or if you know exactly what you want and how you want it, you can start with a blank canvas and design away.

Some of the more notable tools of the Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker include, but are not limited to: the ability for each and every object to have many types of animations (rotate, swing, wave, fade, etc), changing an object’s appearance quickly, creating free-hand shapes, full control over the text, bevel effects, support for dynamic backgrounds, light settings, and so much more. It really is a full suite of design tools to make the best logos and 3D text.

You knew this was coming, the price. Aurora 3D Text and Logo Maker, unfortunately is not a free application; however, with all of the great features and tools that you get bundled into one application, $50 isn’t much to ask for at all. The good thing is that you have the option to try before you buy. So go ahead and download the trial right here on Rocky Bytes and if the application suffices your needs, go ahead and grab the full version and support the developers.

3D Logos erstellen – Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker Sat, 08 Feb 2014 02:21:11 +0000 Presentation-3D bietet die Software Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker zur Erstellung eigener 3D-Logos an. Wie solch ein Text-Logo in 3D erstellt wird, möchte ich nun am Beispiel des 30th Century – Logos erklären.

Zuerst starten Sie die Software Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker. Sie können nun eine Design-Vorlageauswählen oder wie ich für das Beispiel ein leeres Projekt öffnen. Im folgenden Dialog geben Sie die gewünschte Videoauflösung ein (z.B. für full HD 1920×1080 Pixel). Danach klicken Sie auf OK, um die Einstellung für das neue Projekt zu übernehmen.

30th-CenturyNun folgt die Eingabe des Textes, da das 30th Century – Logo aus 5 Text-Knoten besteht, müssen 5 einzelne Texte eingefügt und in derGröße so ausgerichtet werden, damit das Aussehen des Original-Logos erreicht wird.

Aurora 3D Text & Logo MakerZuerst klicken Sie auf der linken Seite auf das Text-Werkzeug (1) und danach in die Vorschau. Es erscheint ein Text-Template, markieren Sie jetzt den Text und geben z.B. das “C” ein und wählen die vorinstallierte Schriftart “Orbitron” oben imSchriftartenmenü (2) aus. Die neu gewählte Schriftart wird nur übernommen, wenn das “C” weiterhin in der Vorschaumarkiert ist. Danach heben Sie die Markierung des Textes “C” auf, dazu klicken Sie auf eine freie Stelle in der Vorschau.

Das “C” ist muß nun per einfachen Mausklick ausgewählt werden, damit es z.B. in der Größe und Tiefe (3) verändert werden kann. Weitere Einstellungen passen Sie individuell Ihren Wünschen nach an. Wenn Sie die Maus auf das “C” bewegen, die linke Maustaste gedrückt halten, dann gelingt die genaue Positionierung in der Vorschau (z.B. in der Nähe des linken Randes).

Aurora 3D Text & Logo MakerFügen Sie jetzt weitere Textknoten “entury“, “3“, “0” und “th” ein, jeweils einzeln. Gehen Sie hier genauso vor, wie zuvor für das Einfügen des Textknotens “C” beschrieben wurde. Wichtig ist nach jedem Einfügen eines Textknotens die gaue Positionierung vorzunehmen, dann nimmt das Logo Schritt für Schritt das gewünschte Aussehen an. Wurden alle Textknoten eingefügt sowie Größen- bzw. Lagetechnisch ausgerichtet, dann zeigt die Vorschau das Ergebnis.

Das Logo besitzt nun noch nicht die originale Farbe. Um das umzusetzen, ist es ratsam, Textknoten die die gleiche Farbe verwenden, z.B. die Textknoten “C” und “entury” nacheinander in der Vorschau mit gedrückterStrg-Taste zu markieren.

Aurora 3DDann wechseln Sie auf der rechten Seite in das MenüFarbe (1). Wählen Sie hier zuerst die Option Text (2) aus und legen im Farbkreis (3) die rote Farbe fest. In derVorschau (4) erfolgt sofort die Übernahme auf die beiden ausgewählten Textknoten. Wiederholen Sie jetzt die Farbeinstellung für den Textrand, wählen Sie hier aber ein leicht dunkleren Rot-Ton, um die Tiefe mehr hervorzuheben.

Im unteren Bereich kann zusätzlich eine geeignete Texturfür die Textoberfläche gewählt werden, das optimiert das Aussehen des Logos.

Aurora 3DDanach markieren Sie die Textknoten “3“, “0” und “th“, weiderum mit gedrückter Strg-Taste und wählen im Farb-Menü die Farbe Gelb für den Text sowie einen leicht dunkleren Gelb-Ton für den Textrand aus.

Auch hier kann noch für die Textoberfläche eine geeigneteTextur gewählt werden. Beachten Sie hier, dass die OptionText markiert ist, sollte der Textrand markiert sein, dann wird die Textur hier übernommen.

Nun markieren Sie alle 5 Textknoten mit der Strg-Tasteund gehen ins Menü Bearbeiten. Hier wählen Sie die Option Gruppieren. Die 5 Textknoten des 30th Century – Logos werden nun zusammengefasst (gruppiert) dargestellt. Das hat den Vorteil, dass Sie jetzt für Einstellungen zum Licht das komplette Logo ausleuchten können.

Weitere Tipps & Tricks zur Logo-Erstellung (bzgl. Licht, Animation, Export etc.) in Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker erhalten Sie im folgenden Video-Workshop, viel Spaß bei der Arbeit mit der Software Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker, eine Anschaffung, die sich lohnt. Interessant wird dann die Weiterverarbeitung in einem Videobearbeitungsprogramm, um somit sein ganz privates oder auch Firmen-Video optisch weiter aufzupolieren.

How to Change 3D object’s Rotate Center by Aurora3D Software Tue, 22 Jan 2013 09:49:09 +0000 1. Actually our software can’t change the center of object, but we can change center of a group. So we can create a transparent object and make a group with any object, then change the rotate center for the group.

2. For example, if we want to change the center of this “Metal” text. First, I need create a shape or any other object. Then, set this shape’s transparent to “0”, include the surface and the side.

3. We need select the shape and the text, click arrange button, and select “Same Position”. Because we need make the shape’s center as same as the text.

4. Then, select the shape and text, right-click on it and choose Group.

5. We can get a Group include the text and the object, but we can’t see the shape. So, we can change the center at now. Right click on the Group, and Enable “Adjust Group Center” option.

6. Now, we can use the manipulator to move the center of this group. For example, we can move the center to the left bottom corner.

7. Finally, we need right click on the group and Disable “Adjust Group Center” option.

8. Rotate it, look the center will be changed.

Aurora3D Software

How to Distort and Relatively move your 3D Design in Aurora3D Mon, 18 Jun 2012 16:16:38 +0000 1. Sometimes, we need make some special shape and text, our products provide some distort and relatively move, rotate function between shape and text. In this tutorial, we can learn how to make it. First, we can create a object, has a shape and text.

2. Select the object, and switch to “Design” tab. Set the shape distort type and value.

3. Set the text distort value, in this sample, we select Sector. We can get this effect.

4. And if we want change the text direction, we can set the rotate value on the letter option.

5. Change the text distort properties, get bellow effect.

6. If we want rotate and move this text, use Text option. Set the angle and position.

7. At the last, through the Distort, Text, Letter and other option, we can get the final effect.

8. If we want set a reflection effect, we can make a copy and rotate it, and set the alpha, or we can use the reflection to set it.

Product: Aurora 3D Animation Maker (Aurora3DAnimation) | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker)


How to use Freehand Shape to create Special 3D Object Mon, 18 Jun 2012 16:06:21 +0000 1. When you need draw a shape by yourself, you can use the freehand tool. You can free to draw some special shape with your mouse. Create point and link it with Bezier. First, click the freehand button on the left toolbar.

2. On the freehand shape dialog, we can create some shapes or import svg or font shape and adjust it, or we can directly draw a shape. For the efficiency, we create a circle and adjust it.

3. If we want scale this circle, just select it and click scale button adjust it.

4. In this guide, we want to create a ring, so we need create another circle and make it to hole.

5. If we need make the small circle to hole, we need select and click “Invert Selected Path”. Then when we save it, the circle will change to a hole.

6. Click these point, we can move it and we can use arrow key on the keyboard to control the direction of move. If we want change the point to Bezier, we can use right-click to switch it.

7. Double click to add a point.

8. If we want make the Bezier with 2 different direction, you can hold “Ctrl” key and use the mouse click the point and move it.

9. Select the path and rotate it.

10. When we finished, click “Save”. Got this special shape.

11.We can add text on it and use the shape and text style templates to change the effect.

12. If you want edit this shape on the freehand tool again, just right-click on it and select “Edit Freehand Shape”.

Product: Aurora 3D Animation Maker (Aurora3DAnimation) | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker)


How to make Texture Animation and Dynamic Background by Aurora 3D Animation Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:56:11 +0000 1. When you create some 3D Logo or Text, but we want make some dynamic for them. Then, we need use Texture Animation function. Let’s do it, first, create a 3D text, select a texture and check “Reflection” and “Mirror” box.

2. Click “Animation” button, we got the “Texture Animation” dialog. We can select animation templates or change scroll, rotate and scale value to make texture animation. Click “close” button, we’ll get the text bevel texture animation effect.

3. In the background functions, the “SkyBox” and “Dynamic” have the similar function of texture animation. Click the background and select Dynamic. you can choose one of the many dynamic background texture.

4. When we selected the image, we can click the animation button. We can set the image animation on the dialog as same as texture animation.

5. We set a scroll animation in this guide, Click ok and ok, we can looked this effect, the picture scroll on the background.

6. If you select SkyBox background, you need set 2 pictures at least. And you can set animation like above step. Have fun.

Product: Aurora 3D Animation Maker (Aurora3DAnimation) | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker)


How to use Gradient and Multi-Texture in Aurora3D Software Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:43:32 +0000 1. Many situations, we need use the gradient texture for our shape or text, so let’s learn how to use our gradient and multi-texture functions. First, crate a shape.

2. Select this shape, switch to color tab and click “Gradient” button.

3. On the Gradient dialog, we can set the gradient style, color, direction and so on.

4. We can add stop point on the color bar, just right-click on it for new stop, delete, flip all, etc,. and we can change the gradient style and set the properties for them.

5. When we want mix different texture, just click “Multi-Texture” button on Color tab.

6. We can set mix 3 textures use gradient or picture and set alpha for them.

7. When we finished, click OK, look the effect.

Product: Aurora 3D Animation Maker (Aurora3DAnimation) | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker)


How to make Special 3D Shapes with shape properties Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:24:26 +0000 1. In our software templates, we can find some logo or text made of special shapes. This guide will teach you how to make these special shapes.

2. First, we create a rect. Switch to the Shape tab, we can see every shapes properties. Adjust the hole value on the Rect Properties, we can create a hole on the rect.

3. We can use the Shape Type to switch the shape type. Click the round rect, change the shape to round rect, we can find more properties on the round rect.

4. Make hole to “0”, and uncheck the “Left Top”and “Left Bottom” box. Change ”round radius” to “0.5”, get effect likes bellow picture.

5. Switch shape type to Ellipse, and change the Ellipse Hole.

6. Switch the shape type to Arc, change the Start Angle, Sweep Length and hole on the Arc Properties. We can get a sector or a semicircular.

7. Switch the shape type to Concave Polygon. Change Side Number, Inner Diameter and Hole value on the Concave Polygon Properties.

8. Switch the shape type to Convex Polygon, and change the side number and hole value on the properties.

9. Switch the shape type to arrow, and change some settings on Arrow Properties.

10. Switch the shape type to round cube, and adjust Bevel value on the properties.

11. PS: when we use the round cube, if we need select a texture, we must be check “Reflection” and “Mirror” box. If not, maybe we’ll look some texture issue on the round cube.

12. Switch shape type to Ring, and change radius and angle value on the ring properties. if we want create a special ring, we can scale this shape with the manipulator.

Product: Aurora 3D Animation Maker (Aurora3DAnimation) | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker)


How to make Metal and Glass Effect by Aurora 3D Text Logo Maker Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:11:19 +0000 1. If we want create a 3D text or logo, we need some effects usually, like metal, glass or plastics. This is important for design. Let’s do it. First, create a 3D Text and switch to “Color” tab. We can set Text and Text Outline color and texture.

2. Select a texture effect for the text outline and check “Reflection” and “Mirror” box. Look at the text bevel effect.

3. Then, copy the text outline effect to text, we can get the final metal effect.

4. When we want make the glass effect, we need un-check the “Blend” box. If we uncheck the Blend, we can make the text more light.

5. And the important step is set the text and text outline alpha, adjust to 170.

6. Finally, look at the glass effect. It’s so easy.

Product: Aurora 3D Animation Maker (Aurora3DAnimation) | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker)


How to make Animation with Aurora 3D Animation Maker Templates Mon, 18 Jun 2012 14:08:32 +0000 1. Our products provide many animation style templates, such as rotate, swing, beat, wave, fade, typewriter, pulse. We can create some animation through animation style and properties in few second. First, we need select a shape and switch to “Animation” tab, and select a rotate style for the shape, set the rotate axis.

2. Select text set animation style to Rotate by letter, and set another text style to Beat by letter.

3. If we need light animation, just check “Light Animation” box, the 3 light can rotate by the select axis.

4. Click Play button and preview this animation. The shape rotate animation we set the same axis, if we want get different effect, we can set them to different axis.

5. Set one circle shape rotate with Y axis, another circle shape rotate with X axis, and change the direction.

6. At the last, preview this animation. Very easy!

Product: Aurora 3D Animation Maker (Aurora3DAnimation) | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker)

