2. Add a “Slide Show” event and don’t need select “Loop” option.
3. Select a picture and add a “Node Animation”.
4. Set your in screen animation on the dialog, in screen animation must select “In” option.
5. The above steps is regular way to create animation, but we have many “Animation Templates”, we can select the picture and drag a animation template to the actions list.
6. Select the pictures and shapes one by one, and make animation with animation templates. In order to these pictures and shapes in the screen at one time, just select trigger at first action. Another things, we can set the start time to little different for better animation.
7. When I finished the “in screen” animation, we can set the “out screen” animation by the same way. Drag the “out screen” animation template one by one.
8. In order to these pictures and shapes out screen at one time, we just select one trigger at the first “out screen” animation action.
9. Preview our animation, click any place one the rendering window. Enjoy it.
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